Creating the future from here—GWJ: GlobalWafers Japan

Safety and Health Policy, Environmental and Energy Policy

Introducing policies for safety, health, environment and energy at GlobalWafers Japan.

Safety and Health Policy

Basic Policy

Based on the basic philosophy of "safety comes first", we actively promote the creation of workplaces where people can work in "safety, health and comfort".

Code of Conduct

  1. Building a safety culture

    We foster a workplace with a culture of openness and safety through reporting, communication, and consulting.

  2. Compliance with laws, regulations, etc.

    We comply with laws, regulations, and internal rules related to occupational health and safety.

  3. Elimination of unsafe behavior and unsafe situations

    We identify and evaluate workplace hazards, and invest the necessary management resources to reduce the risks.

  4. Holding education and training on safety/health

    We provide the necessary education and training to acquire knowledge of safety and health, and improve technology and skills.

  5. Promoting mental and physical health

    We promote the diversification of work styles and strive to improve work-life balance.

Environmental and Energy Policy

Basic Policy

We continuously promote environmental protection and energy performance improvement by reducing the environmental impact of our business activities, increasing energy efficiency, and promoting energy conservation in order to realize a sustainable society.

Code of Conduct

  1. Compliance with environmental and energy-related laws and regulations

    We comply with domestic and international environmental and energy-related laws and regulations. We also comply with agreements, etc., to which we have consented.

  2. Effective use of resources and energy

    We promote energy conservation and strive to reduce CO2 emissions, recognizing the finite nature of resources and energy.

  3. Contribution to building a recycling-based society

    We work to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste.

  4. Consideration for the natural environment

    We strive to develop environmentally friendly products and to manufacture them in a manner that takes full account of the maintenance and conservation of biodiversity.

  5. Promotion of green procurement

    We take environmental response into consideration from the procurement stage of raw materials.