Creating the future from here—GWJ: GlobalWafers Japan

Procurement Policy

Introducing the Procurement Policy of GlobalWafers Japan.

Procurement Policy

GlobalWafers Japan has established a code of conduct for procurement to develop procurement activity and endeavors to achieve social responsibility through procurement activity in order to meet the standards of RBA (Responsible Business Alliance).
In compliance with the RBA standards consisting of the following five items, GlobalWafers Japan promotes fair and sound procurement activities through the whole supply chain.

  1. Labor
  2. Health and Safety
  3. Environment
  4. Management System
  5. Ethics

Business partners are also requested to respect fundamental human rights and realize a safe working environment in their business activities.

Code of conduct for procurement

  • GlobalWafers Japan deals with all the business partners in a fair and impartial manner and transacts with them under proper conditions. Business partners are requested to cooperate with GlobalWafers Japan in proper quality, price, and delivery time, stable supply system, and continued supply in a contingency.
  • GlobalWafers Japan complies with the Anti-Monopoly Act, Unfair Competition Prevention Act, Subcontract Act, etc. and follows sound business practice and generally accepted conventions in making business transactions and will not give / receive profits inappropriate in light of generally accepted conventions.
  • GlobalWafers Japan, including its supply chain, ensures the prohibition of relationships with any antisocial force or group that threaten the order or security of civil society.
  • GlobalWafers Japan maintains sound and normal relationships with statesmen, political organizations, administrative organs, etc.
  • GlobalWafers Japan complies with international standards, laws and ordinances, agreements, voluntary standards, etc. concerning environmental conservation and thereby contributes to the creation of sound social environment.
  • GlobalWafers Japan strives for development of eco-friendly products and technologies, as well as for global warming prevention, reduction of effect on biodiversity, and formation of a recycling society by promoting management based on resource recycling and actively working for energy saving, resource saving, waste reduction, green procurement, etc.


GlobalWafers Japan declines any type of gifts in order to meet these standards. Moreover, even in any gift given in return or dinner for business, GlobalWafers Japan does not act such behavior when it might be misunderstood to be affected decision making.
GlobalWafers Japan operates a Supplier Helpline to promote fair and unbiased transactions on the website. Use the contact form given below to contact us for consultations or reports.
Please note that consulting with or submitting a report to this Helpline will not place the parties contacting us at any disadvantage.

Business Partner Helpline

Click here for the Business Partner Helpline

Click here to make inquiries

Personal information received from customers will be used only for
responding to inquiries.

Please note that inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays,
national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and other company
holidays will be answered on the next business day or later.

Materials Procurement

Click here to contact to procurement section

Click here to make inquiries

Personal information received from customers will be used only for
responding to inquiries.

Please note that inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays,
national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and other company
holidays will be answered on the next business day or later.